Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Belated Christmas Pix

The kids waiting to see their loot on Christmas morning...

Brynlee with bows on her head and a bike under foot:)

Yay! Santa knows what I want! Cold, hard cash!!!

The boys digging thru their santa loot!
Bryce opening a present from Auntie Julie, uncle Scottie and Christina.

The only thing Bryn asked for this year...her dolly.

Thanks Auntie Julie, Scottie and Christina!

Kye opening his phone. He couldn't believe that we broke down and got him one. (Don't mind me in the background there...remember...Christmas MORNING! Lol!)

Brynlee and I in our ADORABLE matching aprons from Grandma Petty. So cute!

***We had a really mellow, beautiful Christmas. It's so nice having older kids that don't wake up at the crack of dawn. They take their time with presents and have patience to watch OTHER people open presents. We really enjoyed the day. The kids made out like bandits (as always!) and they have come to appreciate the true meaning of the season.


Alanna said...

What fun pics. I love the picture of Kyle when he's opening his phone.