1. You have soooo many friends because YOU are such a good friend to others.
2. I hear that you are respectful and kind from your teachers and leaders ALL of the time.
3. You remind me of your daddy in so many ways.
4. You adore your baby sister and help me with her everyday.
5. You always seem to notice when others have a need and help them when you can...like the time we were at Baskin Robins and I turned around and you were gone. Come to find out, you saw a woman who worked at the store who was bringing in large boxes and you went to help her unload. So sweet.
6. You are funny. You have a way of delivering one-liners that crack me up!
7. You are an amazing little golfer. I never could imagine that you'd still love that sport after you parred your first hole at the age of 3.
8. You don't complain about doing chores around the house. You seem happy to help me out. You can't imagine how much I appreciate that!
9. You're cute. (I don't care how old you are, you'll always be "cute" to me!)
10. You always tell me I'm right when I'm trying to lecture you about something...and it takes the fight right outta me.
11. You love little kids. It's so fun to watch how you light up a toddlers face by playing with them.
12. You still tell me you love me everytime we say goodbye...even if you're in front of your friends. Good boy! Never stop!
13. You live the standards of the gospel and continue to learn and enjoy the good things it teaches.
14. You are MY sweet son! That always makes me smile:)
I love you my teenager...HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRYCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So cute! I can't believe how old he is! Holy cow! You've got a great teenager... I love him! And I love you!
Happy Birthday Bryce. It sounds like you are very loved.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRYCE!!! I am so so so sorry we didn't call you...in the craziness of the week I completely spaced it. We have a gift that will soon be on its way!
WOW, 14 already?! That can't be right.
Oh my gosh...you have grown into a nice young man... Happy Birthday
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