Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Salsa Baby!

So the tomatoes have reddened up and we went to our favorite chef for a lesson on canning homemade salsa. (Thanks Jason!) We used green bell peppers from our garden too. We blanched the tomatoes, added the remaining ingredients and boiled the goodies together until we put it into jars and completed the canning process. Can I just tell you how delicious it is?! I think that chips and salsa is what we are having FOR dinner tonight! Who needs a main course when you could eat this stuff with a's soooo good! I love having food storage from things we have grown ourselves in our own backyard. If you haven't ever thought of planting a garden...consider it! I never in a million years thought I would enjoy such a thing, but what a rewarding and fun experience it is for the whole family. I thought for sure I would kill everything that tried to grow, but look at me now! We still have the red potatoes in the ground, but we'll be harvesting those soon too. Then we'll give the garden a rest until spring when we start again. It's an amazing process.


Brigette said...

Looks so yummy - I might make some today! Thanks for the inspiration...

Alanna said...

How fun. It sure looks delicious and now I am desperately craving chips and salsa.

Courtney said...

Hey Cecee, I haven't talked to you in forever, but I thought I would say Hi and get your email address if I could, I wanted to talk to you about something...