Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Decoration #1

Okay, okay. So I'm NOT that girl who gets all excited about putting up the tree and trimmings in the name of the Christmas season. I have a problem with clutter. I think it may be genetic. Anyway, we typically set up Christmas decorations the weekend after December 10th (my mom's b-day). Then I take everything down the day after Christmas. It keeps me from having to dust around the mangers on display and vaccuum around the tree skirt for too long. Maybe it's a little "scrooge-ish" of me, but I can't help it. Not that I don't like my Christmas decor, but come on long do we gotta celebrate ONE holiday. Anyway, Bill brought our bazillion Christmas boxes home from our shop and they are staring at me from the I'm beating my usual tradition of waiting till after the 10th, and getting a little jump start. Yay me!! Of course we had to start with Bryn's princess tree in her room. So here it is Christmas Spirit is slowly,but surely kicking in.


Aislinn said...

You sound just like me. Desi hates that I take down the Cristmas decor the day after and no later. Exactly how long do we have to celebrate. Desi and my kids Birthday's are also in January (so close to Christmas) do I want to look back at their Birthday pics and see X-mas decor?

Steph said...

I am proud of you Cee Cee. Way to go :)