Thursday, December 4, 2008

Snow Fun!

My kids came home from school and were begging to go play in our fresh 6 inches of fluff. I had to help Brynlee get all bundled up and join her brothers for some freezing fun! The moment just begged for my camera! So here are our first snow pix of the season...


Alanna said...

So cute. Looks like they had a fun time. And I absolutely adore that hat that Brynlee is wearing. Yum-yum.

Steve Myers said...

Love your snow pics! Looks like they all had fun!
Chase and Brie took advantage of the snow as well today... they enjoyed sliding down our steep driveway!

Tina said...

Cute pics!

Rachel said...

Your children are all so beautiful... but that little girl of yours really knows how to play up the camera.

I wish we had snow!!!!!