Friday, December 19, 2008

Glitter is the Herpes of Craft Supplies!

Okay, so I plagerized my blog title from a really funny comedian we saw on T.V. late one night. I can't remember his name...but he was hilarious! It's always the true stuff that's the funniest! My Christmas decor is a little heavy in the glitter department. The garland, ornaments, flowers, name it. I swept my floor the other morning and my pile of dirt looked like fairy dust! It's on the carpet, in the grout of the kitchen island, on the furniture, everywhere! The best is when we go out in public and notice that one of us is glistening on our forehead or in our hair. I'm a little like a goat when it comes to liking shiny things, specifically glitter...but I think I'm getting over it!!!!!! I think we'll be finding glitter in this house until NEXT Christmas!


Paul said...

greatest... line... ever...

Alanna said...

That is too too funny Cee Cee. I've been known to wear glitter often as well. But hey, who doesn't want to sparkle, right?

I hope that you're feeling doing okay from your surgery. I've been thinking of you.

Britt and Brett said...

does demetri martin sound familiar? i think i've heard that before, but he is hilarious. probalby my favorite. Merry Christmas in just a few days!