I don't know what color to paint my house! I am so afraid to commit to anything. I've spent $23 on paint samples...glad I did because they look WAY different on the wall than on the paint chips. I can't even tell you how much this is stressing me out. I actually need to decide on the main color and then I need to add 2 accent colors in the same family. I really like the monochramatic look, but it's tougher to get than I thought! Here's a pic of my "sample wall"...all of the letters above the colors represent the names of the colors...English Tan, Gobi Desert, Desert Fortress, Coconut Milk and Antique. They are way darker...or way lighter...on the wall than on the chip. It's terrifying. I guess I'll be settling on something this week, and believe me, I will let you know what it is!
A Floral Hello
3 weeks ago
Judging off of the pictures...my favorite is English Tan...but who knows what it looks like in real life!!
I like Desert Fortress or Antique, judging from the pictures. I think it would be better stay a little on the lighter side throughout the main part of the house. I don't know, I'll try to come by soon and see in person.
Good Luck!!!
Good luck...I like all the colors previously mentioned. I think you will be happy with whatever color you pick...just to have the paint off the chip and on all the walls. Good luck, hopefully you will enjoy the process...I hate painting!! (you would think I wouldn't do so much of it...but I've painted most things in my house twice in the last three years....)
I am 100% positive you will love it in the end! You always do! Just hang in there through the stress and you will love the end reward! I love you!
Your house is looking great and can't wait to see what paint you pick. Let's pick a date to get together.
Cee Cee you always do this and then you pick the PERFECT one! None of them are "terrible" so you'll be good either way you go.! Something to think about: the darker the color the smaller the room looks! But your room is pretty open if I remember right! I'm anxious to see it all done! Go get em girl!!! I MISS you so much lady!!!
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