I LOVE going to Kyle's parent-teacher conferences! I always leave completely smitten by my sweet boy! For those of you who don't know, Kyle has struggled with severe dyslexia and recall disablities in reading and writing. He has a great staff who work with him at school and we have even hired outside tutors for him, but he will never completely overcome it. He just has to learn some tools to work with it. He is such a trooper though. He is genious in other areas like science and art. He designs the most incredible things in his mind! He also remembers verbal information like nobody's business. So his strengths out-weigh his difficulties by far. The thing I love about conferences is that I get to hear what other's perspectives are about my son. I am told that he is an amazing person...he is incredibly kind to ALL whom he comes into contact with. He is apparently always on task. How often do you hear that about a BOY? Mr. Hurt, his 5th grade teacher, says he is a very hard worker and does his very best at everything he tries. He would rather be right at answering a question than getting it answered first in the class. I love that about Kyle. He WANTS to succeed, and because he wants it, he does succeed! His grades were fantastic despite his reading hurdles. All A's and B's! What a guy!!! Ms. Bonnie, who helps Kyle at school, is wonderful and helps make it all possible. She mentioned to me that they are going to look at having Kyle use a computer that he can talk into that will type what he is saying for next year (middle school) so he won't have to spend so much time doing the actual writing. Writing is so time consuming and painstaking for him. He is becoming quite the typer though. I am so grateful for the technology and people who are such great resources for my sweet Kye. Thanks everyone for supporting my great Kid! I Love you Kye!!!!! Great job kiddo!
A Floral Hello
3 weeks ago
Great job at school. Its rough sometimes but it sounds like he is working through it. And being a great person along the way... Thats important. Love you guys.
Go Kyle! I am so happy he is doing great. That also tells you what great parents he has too!
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