Last Sunday Bill and I were laying in bed after church and just vegging out. After all it has been a little exhausting around here with the house projects...and we had both caught colds to boot. The kids all came in and wanted to play. Bryn wanted daddy to come jump on the tramp with her (after all it was a gorgeous day outside). We responded to the kids by telling them that we just wanted (needed) to rest. Bill told Brynlee that he couldn't jump on the tramp cause he wasn't feeling very well. I began to ask the kids why they can't just wait on us like we do for them when they are sick and tired...clean up, make food and serve it to us bed???? At this point Brynlee disappeared. When she returned, she brought with her this pepperoni and mustard sandwich (YUCK!) on one of her special zoo pals plates for her "sick and tired" daddy. It was so cute!!! We laughed and hugged her to bits and pieces:) It's times like those that make the tough job of parenting all worth it.
A Floral Hello
3 weeks ago
She's so thoughtful! Did she wait for you to take a bite and tell her how yummy the sandwich was? =)
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