Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Vegas Valentines Baby!!!

Matt and Space...I mean Stacie;)

My man and his "show girl"
Deb and Jay

Our idea of a "Vegas" dining area at the "Kelly Casino"

Our very creative and cute invitation:)

This past Valentine's Day was yet another themed dinner night with our good friends. For those of you who saw my blog when I first started it last year, you may remember that my girlfriends and I planned a "Little Black Dress Event" for our hubbies which included formal invitations, black dresses, a fondue dinner, etc. It was such a blast that we decided to make it a tradition to plan something fun together every year for V-Day. This year we went with a "Vegas" theme. We made cute invites, decorated with lights and (tried) to dress like "show girls". We had a "buffet" dinner of P.F. Changs take out (YUMMM!) and cheesecake for dessert, and watched "What Happens in Vegas"...which was actually a really great movie surprisingly.We also made (virgin) margaritas and had a blast! Here's some documentation of our night.

P.S. The girls all wore these REALLY long and Sparkly eyelashes...it was fun, but they drove us nuts!!!!


Alanna said...

You all look great. It sounds like a fun evening.