Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Lets start by being VERY clear...each and every one of us hates this picture for some reason or another! We had a very long and detailed cyber conversation about it on Facebook. However, I did want to post it because it reminds me how lucky I am to have so many beautiful, wonderful, funny, loving, talented and all around AMAZING sisters! I love you girls!!!! Next time we are all together we will caputure a, shall we say, more practiced, flattering pic of us?!


Courtney said...

Why has this pic not been burned yet!?! I can't believe you posted it! Oh well...more motivation I guess; To know that this pic is open to public view! Aaaggghhh!!!
BTW-Love you too! ;0)

Steph said...

Oh man I couldn't agree more with both you and Courtney...and I think that we should in all seriousness have a fire in your fire pit and burn it next time.