Friday, August 7, 2009

Family Visit

Aunt Sue walking with my cute:)

Grandpa and Brynlee at the zoo.

My babies at the zoo.

Our fam in front of a giant elephant cut-out at the zoo...ha ha!

Grandpa and the kids:)

Cousins Sherry, Bill and Kathy

In Rocky Mountain National Park.
Our fam in one of our favorite places.

grandpa and his grandbabies:)

I haven't been very good about blogging lately, but I definately needed to post about the trip that Bill's dad and aunt Sue and aunt Kathy made to visit us in July. They made the loooong drive all the way from Ohio and Michigan to see us. (That's Love!)We are sooooo thrilled they came all the way out to Colorado to spend some quality time with our family. We had a blast! We enjoyed a trip to Estes and Rocky Mountain National Park, to the Zoo and to Cousin Sherry Fellers house in Evergreen Colorado. We cherish our time together and it makes us wish we lived closer so that we could do it more often! Love you guys!