Thursday, October 22, 2009

Belated Pix of Bryce's 15th Birthday...

Mary and the roomies.

Bryce blowing out his funfetti cupcake.

The new BYU I hat from auntie Mary;.

I have been terrible about updating lately. I will try to do a little better. My son turned 15...yes...15....on October 11th. I'm still in shock:) We had a "low key" year for his b-day this time. We just hung out, did presents, went to Old Chicago for pizza and the traditional room decorating (in this case it was the downstairs living room because that's where he fell asleep...ha ha). My sister, Mary (who is at BYU Idaho) and the majority of her roomates came down to suprise Bryce for his b-day. They got stuck in a snowstorm in Wyoming, but made it safe and sound and joined us at Old C's for pizza. It was really fun to watch everyone's suprised faces when she walked in:) I hope he enjoyed his day. He is busy with high school, seminary and the teachers quorum at church. What a guy. We treasure him.


Alanna said...

How fun and how neat that Mary could come down to visit. That's quite some trek. Have a great Friday tomorrow.

Marbear said...

So cute! I'm really glad we were able to make it! We loved it! Can't wait for thanksgiving! Love you!