Monday, April 5, 2010

The Kreger's in Colorado

We were thrilled to have Lon and Steph and their precious girlies come visit for 10 days in March. We had a blast doing all sorts of things. The main reason for the trip was for Melody's Blessing, but we also went to Build-A-Bear with eden, went out to the shooting range, went out to dinner and had tonz of fun just visiting and hangin' out. Here are some pix of our time together...
Lon was thrilled to have Steph come shooting. He is a walking billboard for conservatism! LOL! Gotta love the Obama shirt and NRA hat;)

Bryn and Eden getting her new bear dressed.

The new bear getting her 1st bath.
Eden putting her heart inside her stuffed friend.

Daddy helping her "stuff" her bear. So fun!

She found all of Brynlee's little totes and purses, plus the stroller and she's ready to go!

Cousins...Kye and sweet Melody.

Cute with curlers in her hair!

Bathtime cousins Bryn and Eden.

Sweet Melody.

Oh I love that baby girl!

These girls LOVE to be together and Brynlee cries because she misses her sooooo much!

Bubba and his baby girl. He's training her early! Ha ha!


Toni said...

Oh my gosh, is that Lon?! With two baby girls? WHERE does the time go! Congrats to him on his beautiful, healthy kids. TWO girls? I'm so jealous! How do you sign up for those?

Steph said...

You got some awesome pics!! We miss you guys sooo much!